Philipp Weber’s “Bless” series is about the motif of water as a symbol of purity and renewal by depicting young women during or shortly after bathing.
In Christian iconography, this subject is associated with two female figures: on the one hand there is Susanna, who is being watched by two lecherous old men while taking a bath. Since she does not obey their lechery, they later accuse her of being a seductress. Bathsheba, on the other hand, is observed by King David while bathing. He falls in love with her and she becomes his wife and queen. In Christian art many paintings treat this subject – especially the fear of Susanna, confronted by the attacks of the men. Philipp Weber goes the extra mile: He shows how much the women are hurt, shows their emotional wounds in blood red. But there is also rescue in the shape of a guardian angel. The women are blessed.
Philipp Weber’s complex series „Bless“ conveys emotions from pain to healing, from hurt to hope.